Service Flow

We manage all the settlement operations related to BNPL between merchants and their customers.

※Transactions that have passed our prescribed screening are eligible. If disputes arise between the merchant and the customer regarding the transactions, and Net Protections, Inc.
 deems that the disputes cannot be promptly resolved or are not likely to be resolved, or if there are other reasons specified in the "NP Atobarai Merchant Agreement" , the transactions are not eligible.


Merits for customers

  • Online shopping is somewhat worrying

    You can pay after receiving goods

    It prevents various online shopping problems

  • Security concerns such as information leakage

    I want to order online without using a credit card No risk of card information leakage or unauthorized use

    You have to pay yourself, so you can prevent any unauthorized use

  • It’s such a hassle to enter information or sign up

    No credit card required No sign-up required

    You can use it immediately without credit card and sign-up

Merits for merchants

  • I want to prevent lost sales

    Sales increase

    If you only have credit card, cash on delivery, and prepayment as your payment method, customers who prefer to pay with BNPL would drop out at the checkout. BNPL prevents shopping cart abandonment and contributes to sales increase.

  • In-house credit screening and billing operations are difficult

    Reduce workload of billing operations

    Merchants can focus on their main business because we take on all of the billing operations from credit screening, invoicing, to payment collection.

  • I want to avoid bad debts

    Risk-free guaranteed

    We pay merchants even if customers do not pay.

Track Record

Net Protections is the first company in Japan to provide BNPL services that guarantee full payment with zero risk since 2002.
In the early days of online shopping, our BNPL service was used mainly by women in their 30s and 40s for the "peace of mind" of being able to pay after receiving goods.These days, our BNPL service is evolving into a “simple & easy” payment service with a smartphone without credit card information.

Utilizing the know-how accumulated through providing NP Atobarai, we have expanded our service into a wide variety of areas, including BtoB, in-store purchases, and overseas payments, and the total number of transactions has reached more than 440 million.
We will keep providing valuable services for both customers and merchants.

*1 Cumulative number of transactions of the end of each fiscal year, from the launch of all services to the end of March 31, 2024.
*2 Annual GMV of BtoC and BtoB transactions in FY3/2023(April 1, 2022, to March 31, 2023).
*3 Total merchants of BtoC and BtoB transactions in FY3/2022(April 1, 2022, to March 31, 2023).
*4 Annual transactions are the aggregate figures of BtoC and BtoB transactions in FY3/2023(April 1, 2022, to March 31, 2023).
*5 Approximately 1 in 7 people: population of 110.6 million people aged 15 and above (MIC, population statistics, March 1, 2022 estimate) ÷ FY3/2022 Annual Unique Users 15 million.
*6 The number of individual unique users of NP Atobarai (BtoC service) based on the matching of duplicative names and phone numbers during FY2021 (April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2023).
*7 The number of Japanese companies 3.67 million (METI White Paper on Small and Medium Enterprises) ÷ FY2024 BtoB merchant clients of 670 thousands.
*8 The number of BtoB merchant clients, to whom NP Kakebarai has issued one or more invoices during April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024. Merchant clients are identified via registered corporate name.

Business Activities

We provide postpaid payment services optimized for usage scenarios such as individual, corporate, e-commerce (EC), face-to-face sales, and overseas.

  • For e-commerce

    A BNPL service for online shopping intended for BtoC transactions. Pay for the product after delivery, and there is no need to register as a member or enter credit card information.

    refer to the Website
  • BtoC BNPL service for on-site services

    A BNPL service for on-site services which can be used for water and gas repair, house cleaning, etc. Payment can be made after the service is rendered. No membership registration, credit card, or cash preparation on the day of the service is required.

    refer to the Website
  • For  e-commerce and in-store purchases.

    A smartphone-based BNPL service that lets you pay later for both online and in-store purchases. You don’t need to register or link your bank account or credit card information and no prepayment fees are required.

    refer to the Website
  • For BtoB transactions.

    A BNPL service for BtoB transactions. We are an intermediary between the merchant and the customer, handling all the settlement operations from credit, invoicing, and payment collection. We also cover the risk of unpaid invoices.

    refer to the Website
  • For overseas use

    A localized BNPL service for Taiwan and Vietnam. Member registration is not required and one may use it for both online and offline purchases.

    refer to the Website
  • Point program for BtoC

    atone shops is a portal site where BNPL users can find exclusive deals. Users can find their new favorite shops, and enjoy shopping with special offers.

    refer to the Website