Please select the subject that describes your inquiry.
※Personal information may only be processed in a fair and lawful manner and only with the purpose of contact.
frequently asked questions
・ I want to reissue the invoice, where can I use it, etc.
- I want to reissue the invoice
- ・ Where can I use it at, etc.
Summarize the questions and answers you have asked. You can contact us using the form on the site.
atone Customer Center
11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (excluding weekends and holidays)
To the phone page
・ I can not log in to the store app, QR code is not generated, etc.
- ・ I can not log in to the store app
- QR codes are not generated, etc.
Here are some questions and answers from merchants.
Go to merchant support siteatone Support Desk
24-hour reception
atone Support Desk
11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (excluding weekends and holidays)
Requesting materials
For EC business operators and EC-affiliated partners
You can download the service guide.
To the document request formRequesting materials
For physical stores and POS partners
You can download the service guide.
To the document request formCorporate-only counter
24-hour reception
Corporate-only counter
10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (excluding weekends and holidays)
accept messages 24hours per day
* Please contact us as much detail as possible about your company's COMPANY and inquiry details.
* We will consider the contents of your contact and will contact you only if we can respond.
* For inquiries about our services, please contact each office.
Recruitment Inquiry Desk
24-hour reception
+Press & Media Inquiries
PR team
accept messages 24hours per day
+Personal Information Inquiries
accept messages 24hours per day
+Sales letters
accept messages 24hours per day
* Please contact us as much detail as possible about your company's COMPANY and inquiry details.
* We will consider the contents of your contact and will contact you only if we can respond.
* For inquiries about our services, please contact each office.
+IR-related Inquiries
IR team
accept messages 24hours per day
+Press & Media Inquiries
PR team
accept messages 24hours per day
+Personal Information Inquiries
accept messages 24hours per day