Net Protections, Inc. (headquartered in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Shin Shibata; “Net Protections”) is pleased to announce the establishment of a sales office in Nagoya, Aichi, as its sixth office in Japan. The new office will contribute to the revitalization of the region by stimulating economic activity through the provision of Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) services in the Tokai area and creating local employment opportunities by hiring staff.

Background and purpose of opening the Nagoya Office

東海エリアは製造業をはじめとした産業の集積エリアであり、東海4県(愛知県、岐阜県、静岡県、三重県) の県内総生産は全国の12.9%を占めています(※1)。当社が拠点を設ける愛知県は県民総生産が全国3位(※2)、製造業における出荷額は全国1位を誇っており(※3)同産業における中枢地域であると言えます。

While the elimination of labor shortages, the promotion of cashless services, and DX, have long been advocated, it is also important for companies in the manufacturing industry and companies with local factories to increase their business productivity with the use of digital technologies. As a first step, Net Protections will undertake all business-to-business payment processes and guarantee risk-free (nonpayment risk) transactions. By having companies in the Tokai area utilize its various BNPL services that promote cashless payment systems, Net Protections will contribute to improving convenience for companies and customers, streamlining invoicing operations, and promoting DX.

*1 "Economic Structure of the Tokai Region" (Tokai Local Finance Bureau)
“GDP (Gross Domestic Product) Survey by Prefecture” (Cabinet Office)
※3)"Statistical Tables by Region, 2020 Final Report" (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)

Comments from Yusuke Matsutani, Tokai Area Representative

We are very pleased to be opening an office in Nagoya. We will provide BNPL services that support the DX of local companies’ financial operations, and promote the introduction of cashless payment systems that allow everyone to shop safely and conveniently, as a way of giving back to the local community. We will strive to provide innovative, community-based services to ensure that the opening of this new office will help revitalize the Tokai area.

Yusuke Matsutani, Tokai Area Representative of Net Protections, Inc. He studied civil engineering until graduate school and began his career as a plant engineer, but became drawn to sales work, which he believed was the core of business, and changed careers. Since then, he has mainly engaged in the sales of physical products with a stellar track record, and has also gained management experience. In 2023, he joined Net Protections, where he engages in business development and partner alliance in the Tokai area. In June 2023, he assumed the position of Tokai Area Representative.

Overview of the Nagoya Office

Address: 21F JP Tower Nagoya, 1-1-1 Nakamura-ku Meieki, Nagoya, Aichi   Start date of business operations: June 26, 2023 For inquiries: 070-1347-9287

About Net Protections, Inc.

商号    :株式会社ネットプロテクションズ
代表者   :代表取締役社長 柴田 紳
URL    :
事業内容  :後払い決済サービス各種
創業    :2000年1月
資本金   :1億円
所在地   :東京都千代田区麹町4丁目2-6 住友不動産麹町ファーストビル5階

Direct any inquiries regarding this release to:

Net Protections PR

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