English follows Japanese below









石田)私がNPで働いている中で、松下さんはNPのカルチャーにもフィットして、過去の経験を活かして力を発揮できる。そしてそのことが、NPの事業発展に貢献できると強く感じたからです。特に海外で活躍された知見をもとに、グローバルな加盟店、決済プレイヤーとの協業推進をお願いしたいと考えて声をかけました。NPでは現在グローバル展開に力を入れており、現在では台湾・ベトナムに進出。今後も広くアジアに進出しようと検討しています。松下さんはこれまでの経歴からグローバルPSP(Payment Service Provider:複数の決済手段を一括導入できる決済代行サービス)、グローバル加盟店や各種リージョナルプレーヤー(金融機関や加盟店など)との協業経験が豊富なため、グローバルでのアライアンスやセールス活動を推進できると期待しています。また純粋に決済業界における経験が長いため、知見を活かしたり、国内においても決済関連のネットワークを強化したりしてもらうことも考えています。

松下さんとは元々知り合いで、以前から何度か交流もありました。NPはJリーグのクラブ「FC今治」とパートナーシップ契約を結んでいるのですが、松下さんは2022年に続き、2023年10月に行なわれたNPの冠試合「ネットプロテクションズデー」(2023明治安田生命J3リーグ FC今治 × Y.S.C.C.横浜 戦〜)と2年連続で今治に来ていただきましたよね。

















松下はこの2か月間で、グローバルブリッジプラスの活動として、自身の想いを書き上げた書籍「Global Bridge: 〜サッカーを通じた世界の子どもたちの架け橋〜」の出版や、欧州トップクラブの東南アジアにおける育成年代向けサッカー普及活動にも携わることが新たに決まったそうです。そのように躍動感を持って活動している経験豊富な人材がNPに入社してどのように活躍するのか、楽しみです。

「Global Bridge: 〜サッカーを通じた世界の子どもたちの架け橋〜」のリンクはこちら










More than 20 years in the financial industry! The highly experienced employee’s reason for joining NP and his expected role.

We, Net Protections Inc., are the leading company of the Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) payment service. Founded in 2000, we began offering the BNPL service “NP Atobarai” for e-commerce in 2002. Currently, we have optimized multiple BNPL services for individuals, businesses, e-commerce and international transactions. In Japan, our focus is to increase sales for online shopping and alleviate labor shortages through outsourcing billing and cash collection. Internationally, we aim to further develop our business in Taiwan, Vietnam, and also expand to other countries,

This article features an interview between Matsushita-san, who joined Net Protections in April 2024 as a member of the  Alliance Partner Sales Group, and Executive Officer Ishida-san, who joined in October 2018. Both of them have over 25 years of work experience as they became new grads in 1998. They have shared their thoughts on how they plan to contribute to Net Protections.

20 years work experience in the financial industry

ーーCould you please introduce yourselves?

Matsushita)For 22 years, I worked in the international division of a credit card company. I mainly focused on improving card acceptance rates in Southeast Asia and emerging countries, by partnering with local partners and also worked in the card issuing business in those regions. Afterwards, I joined a domestic payment processing company and contributed to launching their first global business. In parallel, I established a NPO dedicated to social contribution through soccer in June 2021 and left the payment processing company in December 2023 to focus on my NPO work. Subsequently, Ishida-san contacted me, saying, “With your rich experience and network, you can work at NP without working full-time and also contribute to your soccer business,” which led me to join Net Protections Inc. in April 2024.

Ishida)I started my career in establishing legal departments at foreign IT startups and companies which handle digital payment systems. Then I worked in the field of product development, sales development, and business development being involved with corporate alliances at payment companies. I joined Net Protections Inc. in October 2018 and have been focusing on promoting business development and partner sales.

Expecting contributions in the global division

ーーWhat led to the decision to reach out to Matsushita-san??

Ishida)I reached out to Matsushita-san because I knew that his personality matches well with the culture of Net Protections and his past experiences can largely contribute to the growth of the company. In particular, his international work experience can help promote collaborations with global merchants and payment companies. Net Protections is currently focusing on global expansion, having already entered the Taiwanese and Vietnamese market and are considering further expansion. Matsushita-san has extensive experience in collaborating with global PSPs (Payment Service Providers), global merchants, and various regional players (financial institutions, merchants, etc.). Therefore, I have high expectations that he can drive alliance and sales activities globally. Additionally, with his long experience in the payment industry, he can also take a large part in strengthening payment networks within Japan.

I have known Matsushita-san for some time, and we have seen each other several times in the past. Net Protections has a partnership agreement with the J-League club “FC Imabari. Matsushita-san visited Imabari to attend the NP-sponsored game “Net Protections Day” for two years in a row.

He has introduced me to several key figures in the industry and has given me advice on a personal level. As a result, I have a general understanding of his personality, work content, and his reputation. Additionally, since I had heard about his involvement in soccer-related activities, the moment I heard he had left his previous job, I immediately thought I should invite him to work together at Net Protections.

Matsushita)During the matchday in Imabari, I had the chance to get to know the people and the environment of the local area. As I greeted the chairman of the Ainan Fisheries Cooperative Association and enjoyed the delicious local food, it allowed me to not just focus on business, but to understand and blend in with the local area and its people.

At that time, I was planning to commit 100% of my time to my own NGO. However, after hearing about Net Protections Inc. from Ishida-san, I realized that there are more approaches to fulfill my dream. Also, I felt it would be a waste for me to not make use of what I had done over the past 25 years and that there are people who can benefit from them. I was also influenced by Ishida-san, who uses his experiences for the greater good of society. Rather than focusing on one thing, I wanted to engage with various people, and contribute while still being supported. As I met various people from Net Protections, I ultimately decided to join.

Connecting the world through soccer and fintech

ーーCould you please tell us about your soccer business that you currently run??

Matsushita)Global Bridge Plus is a non-profit organization aimed at helping children worldwide find dreams and hopes for the future through sports. Currently, we organize soccer classes and tournaments targeting children in Southeast Asia.

The reason behind starting the soccer business lies in my own experience. When I was in elementary school, I lived in Germany, and just by playing soccer, I was able to get along with many friends. From that experience, I wanted to do the same thing in Japan and Asia. Through soccer, I believe values like humanity and global awareness can be nurtured and I envision myself contributing to realizing a peaceful society without conflict, where people say things such as  “I won’t fight because I have friends in that country.”

Interestingly, I have similar feelings about payment services as well. Money exists everywhere in the world. Through digital payment, I feel the world can become more connected. I want to engage in activities that “connect the world through Fintech and soccer,” that is my passion.

Ishida)At Net Protections, we also put strength in sponsorships through soccer, having partnership agreements with FC Imabari and V-Varen Nagasaki. However, our approach isn’t just about providing funds, but also about strengthening the revitalization of the local area and nurturing the next generation. There’s a strong will to collaborate as partners who share similar values. It would be great if these partnerships could expand globally as well. In that sense, there might be a similarity with what Matsushita envisions as “connecting the world through soccer.”

The will to recruit experienced employees

ーーAlthough you have recently joined the company, are there any tasks you are planning to focus on??

Matsushita)The area where I believe I can contribute the most is global expansion due to my past experiences. Strengthen partnerships with global payment service providers I have previously engaged and expand collaborations with global and regional merchants. Additionally, as Net Protections expands outside of Japan, I can also contribute in establishing or supporting overseas offices and its organizational structures. However, considering the complexities and careful approach required for international expansion, I will first focus on introducing Net Protections’ BNPL services to overseas companies in the Japanese market. 

On a separate note,  by showing someone in my generation actively contributing and succeeding at Net Protections, I think I can encourage younger members in the company regarding workstyles and work ethics.


Ishida)I truly believe that Net Protections Inc. has immense potential and can become a unique global company. However, there is still a large gap for reaching that level. Net Protections Inc. has a lot of young employees, but is short on experienced senior staff. As filling those gaps with just new graduates or existing employees would take a tremendous amount of time, it is necessary to increase the number of experienced colleagues and utilize their expertise and their connections. 

The most significant missing piece in front of us is undoubtedly global expansion. I have been working hard to promote globalization despite my limited experience, but now, with the addition of someone who can become a hub in the global talent network, I am very excited to work together and drive Net Protections’ global expansion forward.


In the past two months, Matsushita-san had released his book, Global Bridge: 〜Creating a bridge between world youth through soccer. The book expresses his thoughts of participating in soccer activities in Southeast Asia with top European clubs for the purpose of youth development. We are excited to see how an experienced individual like him will contribute to Net Protections.

Link Below for Matsushita-Sans book, Global Bridge: 〜Creating a bridge between world youth through soccer(Japanese Only):

Amazon.co.jp: Global Bridge: 〜サッカーを通じた世界の子どもたちの架け橋〜 (UTSUWA出版) 電子書籍: 松下裕二: Kindleストア

While Net Protections has many young employees, we are eager to further emphasize the recruitment of experienced talents like Matsushita-san in the future.

