BNPL service is a type of payment that allows customers to make payment after receiving goods.
Our BNPL services guarantee risk-free transactions and streamline the complicated billing/payment process between merchants and customers. We support merchants' business growth and expansion through our services.
We provide BNPL services optimized for individuals, businesses, e-commerce, physical stores, etc.
*1 デロイト トーマツ ミック経済研究所株式会社 ミックITリポート 2023年11月号 BtoC後払いサービス市場調査(より、2022年度年間取扱高を参照。
*2 当社推計(加盟店ベース)。2021年1月7日付通販新聞掲載の「第75回通販・通教売上高ランキング」に掲載されている300 社のうち、高額商品を扱う企業を除いた239社における後払い導入済み企業166社が調査対象(2020年3月1日時点)。
*3 日本企業数約367万社(総務省・経済産業省「令和3年経済センサス‐活動調査結果」)÷2024年3月期の年間ユニーク購入企業67万社により算出。
*4 デロイト トーマツ ミック経済研究所株式会社 ミックITリポート 2024年11月号 BtoB決済代行サービス市場調査(より、2023年度年間取扱高を参照。
We are developing our business speedily by utilizing the assets accumulated through NP Atobarai.
BtoC BNPL Service for E-Commerce / Physical Stores, atone
Customers can use the service without sign-up and will receive an invoice for each purchase. Payment is due within 10 days. Next month payment and other benefits are available for members.
Market: cosmetics, digital contents, hobby
Value Proposition
Customer can use the BNPL payment service with registration to consolidate their purchases into a single invoice in the month and pay in the following month. The payment records via atone can be managed in atone's mobile app. NP points are also redeemable on the next shopping.
Offering the reward point encourages repeat purchases, and merchants can expect a further increase in sales with this payment method.
atone also has a high market potential because it is a membership service and handles a wider range of products than NP Atobarai. It is also applicable at offline retailers by using a QR code.
※Market size of E-commerce/service/digitial contents: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) “Digital transaction market report“(July 30, 2021)
※Volume of retail market JPY146tn (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) “Japan retail sales report 2020”) × Cashless ratio 26.8% (Payments Japan Association “Cashless Roadmap 2021“)
AFTEE: BtoC BNPL service in Taiwan
AFTEE offers a localization service based on the know-how of NP Atobarai and atone for Taiwan market. Customers can pay in full, or make a one-time payment while using AFTEE. AFTEE also provides monthly payment option for AFTEE members. AFTEE's mobile app is both a payment tool and a financial management tool.
Value Proposition
It is possible to complete member registration and pay on AFTEE app. Non-member customers can also easily complete the payment through SMS billing to pay at convenience stores or ATM/ Internet Banking.